Triton Perspective User Manual
Page 179

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P a g e
F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1
image tag (Tag 270).
Opens a window for classifying the active target.
Corrects active target image for north up, instead of
heading up.
Opens an application configuration settings window.
Ramp Support...
Gives options for applying a ramp file.
Cursor Symbol
Options for the cursor icon symbol.
Cursor Color
Options for changing the cursor color.
Pan Image
Changes the cursor to enable the user to pan in the main
image window.
Activate Measure
Must be selected to use image measurement tools.
View Menu
Options for fitting the active contact to the image view.
Overview Window
Toggle on/off the image overview window.
Status Bar
Toggle on/off the status bar.
Zoom Toolbar
Toggle on/off the zoom toolbar.
Measurement Toolbar
Toggle on/off the measurement toolbar.
Thumbnail Window
Toggle on/off the thumbnail window.
Tools Toolbar
Toggle on/off the tools toolbar.
Display Control Window
Toggle on/off the display control window.
Basic Cursor Status Window Toggle on/off the basic cursor status window.
Advanced Cursor Status
Toggle on/off the advanced cursor status window.
Meter Bar
Toggle on/off the image scale bar.
Polygon Points
Toggle on/off the polygon points when available.