Mosaicone, Osaic, Odule – Triton Perspective User Manual

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6: MosaicOne

6.1 MosaicOne Module

MosaicOne is an add-on to Perspective Map which allows users to create digital mosaics of
their raw sidescan data and includes tools for viewing and interpolating the processed data.
Options available in the MosaicOne module are presented below and details of their options
and settings are in the following sections.

Mosaic Options

Create Mosaic: MosaicOne provides a few methods for the creation of sidescan mosaics.

Re-merge Mosaic: Will re-create the mosaic based on any changes to the processing
parameters made since the mosaic was created.

Add Lines: Allows the user to add other raw data files in the project to the mosaic.

Force Regeneration: Forces the rebuild of the mosaic file used after making changes to
individual lines.

Move Line: Allows the user to move a line in the mosaic to correct for misalignments due to
towfish position errors. When finished, this process automatically rebuilds the mosaic file
using the new line location.

Remove (line): Allows the user to remove a line from a mosaic in the project.

Waterfall Viewer Options and Tools

Waterfall Viewer: This tool allows the user to see the waterfall data from an individual
sidescan data file. Details of the Waterfall Viewer are discussed in Section 6.9.

Playback Contols: Used to control the playback of the raw sidescan data in the waterfall
viewer. Details of the Playback Control options are discussed in Section 6.9.6.

Bottom Tracking: Necessary to properly remove the water column data from the results.
Details of the Bottom Tracking options are discussed in Section 6.10.1.

Slant Range Corrections: Corrects for altitude of the sonar using the bottom tracking results.
Details of the Slant Range Correction options are discussed in Section 6.10.2.

Speed Corrections: Necessary to adjust waterfall playback for variations in survey speed.
Details of the Speed Correction options are discussed in Section 6.10.3.