10 tide/squat processing – Triton Perspective User Manual
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5.2.10 Tide/Squat Processing
To enable the Tide Data processing, the user must check the 'On' box in the upper left corner
of the Tide Data options as shown in the image below:
Tide Data:
The user has the option to select an individual Tide File, choose a Tide Folder with several
tide files or to Use RTK Tides.
Tide File: Applies predicted or collected tide data from a single file
Tide Folder: Applies predicted or collected tide data from multiple files in the selected folder
using one of four interpolation methods shown in the drop-down list in the image above
which are:
Weighted Mean
Planar Intersections
Use RTK Tides: Will read RTK tide data from raw data file if collected during acquisition.