2 the annotation tree – Triton Perspective User Manual
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F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1
Selection Color: Allows the user to identify the color which the selected line will change to,
in order to identify it as being successfully selected in the map directory
Collapse to Roots: Quickly collapse the tree to the major headings. A plus sign will be
assigned in front of those headings which have additional data in their hierarchy.
Expand All: Allows the user to quickly expand all directories within the map root. A
negative sign will be assigned in front of those headings which are fully expanded.
Open Project: Allows the user to open a project from the tree diagram. This has the same
functionality as the “File > Open Project” pathway.
New Project: Allows the user to create a new project from the tree diagram. This has the
same functionality as the “File > New Project” pathway.
Info: Gives the user a “Window” on the Project File contents. The project file has the file
extension .proj xml and is an XML file. Advanced users could edit this file directly using
any XML file editor.
1.3.2 The Annotation Tree
This layer includes information that is user-defined in the Map View. The annotation layer
has three sub-layers: Regions, Grid, and User.
The Regions layer provides one-click access to different preset map zoom levels that are
commonly used for quickly navigating around the Map View.
The Grid layer provides options for changing the projection grid color and resolution settings.
Text and drawing annotations made by the user are stored in the User layer. Regions
Regions are predefined zoom extents that
are useful for quickly moving around in
the map window.
To add a region, zoom the map window
to the area that is to be considered a
region, right click on “Regions” and
select ‘Add Viewport’ as shown below
This is will give a user dialog window to