Bathyone, Athy, Odule – Triton Perspective User Manual
Page 91: 1 bathyone module

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5: BathyOne
5.1 BathyOne Module
BathyOne is an add-on to Perspective Map which allows users to create digital terrain models
of their raw bathymetry data and includes tools for viewing and interpolating the gridded
data. Options available in the BathyOne module are presented below; details of their options
and settings are described later in this chapter.
Grid Options
Create DTM: BathyOne provides a few methods for the creation of digital terrain models
Rebuild Using: Upon selecting this option, the user is asked if they want to use the GSF flags
already present in the GSF. The BathyOne Wizard then opens to allow the user to
make changes to bathymetry settings used to create the imagery and apply any
edits/flags made to the GSF file.
Edit GSF Using: This option is only available if a GSF File was imported without a
corresponding raw data file using the 'Import/GSF File' option. Selecting this option
will launch a limited version of the BathyOne Wizard to allow the user to change
some of the processing parameters set during the GSF import process.
Swath Editor: Not yet implemented.
Re-merge DTM: Will re-create the DTM based on any changes to the processing parameters
or edits to the data made since the DTM was created.
Add Lines: Allows the user to add other raw data files in the project to the DTM.
Reset Date: Provides the ability to change the date of the DTM file.
Rename: Allows the user to rename the DTM name in the project. This will not rename the
file on the disc and only changes the display name in the Perspective Map project.
Visualization Options
Color Settings: Allows the user to change the color characteristics of the bathymetry layer.
Histogram: This is the graphical representation of the imagery signal level in dB versus the
occurrence of that dB within the image.
Relief Shading: This tool simulates the illumination of the sun on the bathymetry data. This
is a global setting and can only be changed at this node level.
View Swath: This tool allows the user to see the swath data from an individual data file.