Triton Perspective User Manual
Page 89

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P a g e
F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1
- Compute CMG - Check the box to compute a heading from the Course Made Good
- Bias - Apply a single bias to the computed CMG heading
- Change Cutoff - Cutoff value for CMG calculation (in degrees)
- Source
None - Do not apply a layback
Computed - Computes a layback using the values found in the XTF file for Cable Out,
Towfish Depth, Towpoint Height, and Towpoint offset from the navigation antenna
Manual - Enter a fixed layback value (in meters)
- Tow Point Offsets - Applies the user-defined values in crossbeam direction.
- Time Delay - Static time delay (in seconds)
- Applies user - Defined value in X, Y relative to position.
+X equals Starboard, -X equals Port
- Filter Speed - Turns the option on
Min - Enter the minimum expected speed
Max - Enter the maximum expected speed
Change Cutoff - Cutoff value for speed filter (in knots)
Never - Use the speed from the XTF file
Always - Ignore existing speed and re-compute
When Zero - Only computes speed if the value in the file is zero
Mag Heading Deviation:
- On - Turns the option on
- 0, 90, 180, 270: Enter the corrected heading for each of cardinal compass points. The
mosaic engine will generate a smoothed correction curve interpolating between these values.