Triton Perspective User Manual

Page 19

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P a g e

F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1

Remove: The region can
be removed by selecting

Info: Allows the user to
view the datum/projection
and coordinates of the
region. Grid Overlay

This is an overlay graph of the lines of
Easting and Northing, which are
automatically displayed in the Map View. It
can be modified in resolution and in color.

Right-clicking on the ‘Grid’ layer will give
the following options:

Resolution: Allows the user to change the resolution of the grid overlay to a user-defined

Color Settings: Allows the user to change the
color of the grid overlay.

Info: Allows the user to view the resolution,
datum/projection and coordinates of the grid. User Annotation

Drawing tools are available under the Modality > Annotation menu or by selecting the 'Pen'
toolbar button. When annotations are created using the drawing tools, they appear in the
Annotation > User file tree menu.

The following options are available by right-
clicking on the individual annotation:

Color Settings: Allows the user to change the
characteristics of the annotation

Rename: Allows the user to rename the user-
defined annotation.

Move To Top: Moves the corresponding
annotation to the top of the Tree View within