Triton Perspective User Manual

Page 161

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Method: Before making adjustments to the bottom tracking options, a method must be
selected from the drop down list. Available options are shown here:

Amplitude - Uses the sharp change in the signal amplitude to detect the water
bottom and determine the sonar altitude.

Gradient - Uses the sharp change in the signal gradient to detect the water bottom
and determine the sonar altitude.

Manual – The user manually selects the water bottom either by pressing the
left mouse button and dragging while holding along the desired line, or by
holding the 'Alt' key and single clicking along the desired track.

Channel: Users can select which of the available channels to use for bottom tracking.

Auto Update XTF: Selecting this will store the bottom tracking information directly in the
raw data file instead of in the cache file.

Filter Bottom Track: Removes noise in calculated bottom track and smooths results.

Level: Only available for 'Amplitude' bottom tracking. Sets the percent change in amplitude
to target as the bottom reflection.

Holdoff: Sets the starting point for the 'Amplitude' and 'Gradient' method and allows the user
to remove strong returns from near the sonar and noise in the water column.

Delta: Used to constrain the filter gate (make sure this is not set to 0!).

Delta Sensitivity: Sets the sensitivity of the filter gate for finer adjustments.

ms/m: Toggles between time and distance units.

To see the results of the settings chosen, select the 'Compute' button.

The other available tab is the 'Color' tab for adjusting the view. Note that this does not affect
the data or the mosaic and is only used to visually enhance the sidescan data in the bottom
tracking tool window for better manual picking. A brief discussion of the options available in
the 'Color' tab is presented here.