Triton Perspective User Manual
Page 157
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P a g e
F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1
The four buttons on the left go backwards through the data file, the four on the right go
forward through the data file and the button in the middle pauses file playback. Button
details are described below:
Jump to beginning of data file
Slow motion backwards playback
Fast forward in reverse
Reverse file playback
Pause playback
Play file forwards
Fast forward file playback
Slow motion file playback
Jump to end of data file
Another option for moving through the data file in the waterfall viewer is the slider bar above
the playback controls as shown below:
The number to the right of the slider bar indicates what ping number the file is at. Dragging
the slider allow the user to quickly move through the data file to a particular ping number.
How the viewer handles the end of the file being played can be set in the 'End of File Options'
corner of the waterfall window. Options available are shown in the following image and
discussed below: