2 imagery geotiff export – Triton Perspective User Manual
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Tiles/Export: The slider bar below the Dimensions is for indicating the number of
tiles to break up the export image in order to reduce the individual file size of the
output. The image above shows the output divided into 16 tiles with resulting
dimensions of each tile being 1097 x 992 pixels.
Selection Tree: Allows the user to select or deselect additional imagery to be
included in the export.
Selecting the Export button will open the following window for saving the file:
2.3.2 Imagery GeoTiff Export
Sidescan and bathymetry data can be exported from an existing project from the File Tree to
a geo-referenced TIFF file. For sidescan data, the GeoTiff Exporter is launched from either
the sidescan root node or the individual sidescan layer. Individual GeoTiff files for
bathymetry are only exported from right-clicking on the Bathymetry root layer node.
All options launch the same export wizard. For sidescan exports, only sidescan data is
available for inclusion in the export. For bathymetry exports, only bathymetry data is
available for inclusion in the export as shown in the image on the following page: