4 contacts tree – Triton Perspective User Manual

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Move Up: Moves the selected layer above the previous file within the “Classification”

Move Down: Moves the selected layer below the succeeding file with the “Classification”

Export: This will export the classification results to an AutoCAD DXF file.

Add: Adds an existing classification grid to the project and Map View.

Remove: Removes the selected layer from the project.

Info: Allows the user to view XML info for the selected file.

Zoom to Extents: Quick zoom option to zoom to full extent of selected mosaic.

1.3.4 Contacts Tree

The Contacts layer contains the contacts and targets identified and saved with TargetOne.
Contacts classified as targets show up as a different color which can be defined by the user.

Right-clicking on the ‘Contacts’ layer will give the following options:

Sort Ascending: Sorts the ‘Contacts’ in the project by
name in ascending order in the file tree.

Sort Descending: Sorts the ‘Contacts’ in the project by
name in descending order in the file tree.

Add: Adds a saved contact to the project and Map View.

Info: Allows the user to view the file location,
datum/projection and coordinates of the contact file.

Right-clicking on the region name gives the following options:

Add: Adds a saved contact to the project and Map View.

Remove: This will remove a contact from the project.
Please note that this will not delete the contact from the
hard drive, only remove it from the project and Map View.

Viewer: Selecting this option opens the contact in

Info: Allows the user to view the file location,

datum/projection and coordinates of the contact file.