Triton Perspective User Manual

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Ask before removing layers: This allows the user to turn on or off the message, "Are you
sure you want to remove...", that pops up when "Remove" is selected in the File Tree.

Show Mosaic Tiles: This lets the user see the tiles that the mosaic is divided into.

Load Zoom Out: Selecting this option will automatically zoom to the full extent of an
imported layer.

Relative Paths: Allows the project to be relocated to a new hard drive without losing
track of the relative file paths of imported files.

Hide Mouse Over ToolTips: Hides the display of the cursor when over pop-up tooltips.

Auto Update: Checking this box will allow Perspective to look for any updates to the
Perspective software on the Triton Imaging Inc. website each time Perspective is opened.

Auto Save: Perspective will automatically save the project every user defined interval while
it’s running.

Cache Options:

Force Cache Rebuild: When a survey file is opened in Perspective it is cached or
"indexed" and an .xtf_idx file is created. This allows Perspective to access an XTF file in
a non-linear fashion which significantly speeds up the processing once the .xtf_idx file is
created. The first time a survey file is read, the xtf_idx file is created and it takes a little
longer to load the file, once the idx file is created “Forcing a cache rebuild” forces this
xtf_idx file to be recreated.

Use Ensemble X/Y (SEG-Y): Some SEG-Y have the data "stacked" and the navigation
stored in a different place, checking this box identifies the file as this type.

Suppress Warnings: These are warnings that come from indexing a file when building
the cache. For example "10 pings had no navigation". If you do not want to have these
warning pop up then click the box to "suppress warnings".

Sync Views:

For a data file that contains bathymetry and sidescan data, the ‘Sync View’ option allows the
user to sync the playback of the waterfall viewer and swath viewer by ping number.

Reset Factory Settings:

This will reset the Program Settings to the default factory settings.