2 import data types – Triton Perspective User Manual
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F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1
This button will import all compatible data file in a selected
This button will use the database search function to remove all data in a project and
load only the data that lies within a selected time range or a defined geographic area.
Currently the only raw survey data format supported by Perspective is the Triton XTF data
format. However, there are several existing Triton file format converters to allow importing
of additional data types.
In addition to raw data files, Perspective can import a variety of data types including Triton
mosaic and DTM files, GeoTiffs, XYZ files, GSF files, AutoCAD DXF files, and a few
various others. Data types supported and methods for importing each data type are described
in the following sections.
2.1.2 Import Data Types
All data types can be imported from the Import option in the File menu or directly from the
File Tree by selecting ‘Add’ from the right click menu:
SeaClass layers
Navigation layers