1 zoom mode, 2 zoom in, 3 zoom out – Triton Perspective User Manual
Page 41: 4 zoom 1:1
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P a g e
F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1
Zoom to Region
Zoom to Extents
Pan - This mode allows the user to move around the screen by dragging the map. Zoom Mode
Selecting the zoom toolbar button
puts the cursor in Zoom Mode.
This allows the user to select an area to
zoom into by left-clicking or right-
clicking on any point on the map and
holding the button down while defining
an area to zoom into. Zoom In
This will zoom in one level and is accessed by the following options
ToolBar Icon
View menu option
Keyboard 'Page Down' or '+' key Zoom Out
This will zoom out one level and is accessed by the following options
ToolBar Icon
View menu option
Keyboard 'Page Up' or '-' key Zoom 1:1
This will zoom such that 1 meter is equivalent to 1 pixel on the computer screen and is
accessed by the following options