Triton Perspective User Manual

Page 4

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P a g e

F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1

MosaicOne™ makes the production of high quality

geo-registered sidescan mosaics a simple process.

Mosaic images of sidescan or multibeam backscatter

data are created by simply dragging and dropping raw

XTF data files into the Perspective Map multi-layer

map view. Processing options such as nadir delete,

far range clipping, and single-channel select, coupled

with a comprehensive set of navigation processing

tools, result in superior quality mosaics suited to specific application needs and collection

regimes. MosaicOne images are displayed in Perspective in correct registration with other

survey data such as shaded or color-coded bathymetry, electronic nautical charts, coastline

vector data, survey tracks, target icons, annotation, seabed classifications, etc. Data fusion is

facilitated by adjusting the transparency of mosaic images allowing visual comparison of

sidescan features with underlying data elements. Fine adjustments to line position are easily

made with the new Move Line feature and high-resolution waterfall displays of sidescan data

direct from source XTF files cab be invoked with point and click at any position on the


TargetOne™ is a collection of target

processing tools that enable the acquisition and

analysis of objects seen in the sidescan data.

Targets are acquired with point and click on a

sidescan mosaic displayed in Perspective Map

or from the raw sidescan data viewed in

Perspective's embedded waterfall viewer. The

TargetOne module displays target images and

provides for a variety of image manipulation

and measurement tools to facilitate object recognition and classification. Target positions are

recorded as icons displayed on the mosaic with easy access to any target by clicking on an

icon of interest. Object measurement tools are provided that exploit sonar parameters.

Output of target information is in standard XML format to support processing by other
