Pfadvantage, Flexicoil flexcontrol, Ag leader technology – Ag Leader PFadvantage Harvest & Application Operators Manual User Manual

Page 95: Application rate mode

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Flexicoil Flexcontrol

Ag Leader Technology

Application Rate Mode

September 2003


3. Press EXIT key to return to screen with ADVANCED SETTINGS

key on bottom. Press the ADVANCED SETTINGS key.

Target Rate Outside Field: This only pertains to using a target

Set to ZERO if want rate outside field to be zero.

Set to USE LAST if want rate to be the last rate used at
the time the vehicle is detected outside the field. This is
useful when experiencing problems with the vehicle
being falsely detected outside of the field during the
outside pass.

Set to TGT DEFAULT if want rate outside field to be the default
rate stored in the target rate file.

Controller Time Delay:
Set to 3 seconds. This is delay of
controller to change application equipment to new rate + 2

Actual Rate Units: Ignore this setting.

Log Actual Rate: Set to YES to log actual rate to card. Set to
NO, otherwise.

4. Exit back to main screen.

a)Press FIELD key twice.

b)Select appropriate field and press VIEW CONFIG key.

c)Select appropriate product/controller configuration and press
ACTIVE ON/OFF key to check it as active.(All other configs
must be unchecked first).