HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual
Page 37

Installation Requirements and Procedures 37
The License Install box has the following features:
Mode allows you to click one of the following buttons: Key Code, File, or Available.
Key Code enables the Key Code box, which allows you to enter the license key for the selected option to be
installed (see section 2-7-3).
You cannot copy and paste text from other applications.
Click File to enable the File Name box and the Refer button. This allows you to enter the name of the
desired license key file (see section 2-7-4 ). When you click Refer, the pane that allows you to select the
license key file appears. Select the desired license key file on the displayed pane, and then enter the
license key file name in the File Name text box.
Click Available to install available options automatically with the permanent keys. The Available button
can only be used when the licensed capacity exceeds the mounted (or used) capacity because the disk
drives are reduced.
The radio buttons on the lower right of the License Install box affect the display of the options in the License Key
table as follows:
Only Normal displays successfully installed options. This is the default.
This will also display options that are installed but have insufficient licensed capacity.
Only Normal & Warning displays both successfully installed options and the following failed options:
Installing an emergency key for the option that has already been installed with a permanent key
Insufficient licensed capacity
All Normal displays options only if all options have been successfully installed. If installation of any of the
options failed, no option is displayed.
This will also display options that are installed but have insufficient licensed capacity.
The buttons on the lower right of the License Key pane are used to install and uninstall options (see Figure 2-27).
Figure 2-27
Install, Uninstall, Apply, and Cancel Buttons
Install - Changes the row of the selected option or the options that can be installed using the Available
button to
blue bold italics
and also changes the displayed status to Install.
The options are not actually installed until you click Apply.
Uninstall - Changes the row of the selected option to
blue bold italics
and also changes the displayed
status to Uninstall.
The options are not actually uninstalled until you click Apply.
Apply - Implements the settings that were previously made using the Install or Uninstall buttons. Options with
the status of Install Set change to Installed, and options with the status of Uninstall Set change to Not
Cancel - Cancels the settings that were previously made using the Install or Uninstall buttons.