Monitoring modes – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
Page 92

Viewing monitor and tier relocation information:
If the raidcom get thp_pool command is executed with the -key opt option specified, the
monitoring information and tier relocation information are displayed. For details about the raidcom
get thp_pool
command, see HP P9000 RAID Manager Reference Guide. Items are displayed
as follows:
This item displays the operational status of the performance monitor and the tier relocation.
STP: The performance monitor and the tier relocation are stopped.
RLC: The performance monitor is stopped. The tier relocation is operating.
MON: The performance monitor is operating. The tier relocation is stopped.
RLM: The performance monitor and the tier relocation are operating.
This item displays the status of the monitor information.
VAL: Valid.
INV: Invalid.
PND: Being calculated.
This item displays the progress percentage of tier relocation.
0 to 99: Shows one of the following statuses.
When the value of STS is RLC or RLM: Relocation is in progress.
When the value of STS is STP or MON: Relocation is suspended at the indicated
percentage progression.
100: Shows if the relocation operation is not in progress, or the relocation is complete.
Monitoring modes
When you create or edit a pool, specify the Smart Tiers monitoring mode. The monitoring mode
is either the period mode or the continuous mode. If you change the mode from the one to the
other while performing the monitoring, the changed setting becomes effective when the next
monitoring will starts.
Period mode
Period mode is the default setting. If Period mode is enabled, tier range values and page relocations
are determined based solely on the monitoring data from the last complete cycle. Relocation is
performed according to any changes in I/O loads. However, if the I/O loads vary greatly,
relocation may not finish in one cycle.
Continuous mode
If Continuous Mode is enabled, by weighting the latest monitoring information and the collected
monitoring information in the past cycles, the weighted average efficiency is calculated. By
performing the tier relocation based on the weighted average efficiency, even if a temporary
decrease or an increase of the I/O load occurs, unnecessary relocation can be avoided.
Configuring thin provisioning