Snapshot – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
Page 31

“External Storage Access Manager” (page 32)
“Performance Monitor” (page 34)
“Continuous Access Synchronous” (page 35)
“Continuous Access Journal” (page 36)
“Open Volume Management” (page 38)
“Configuration File Loader” (page 39)
“CLI Spreadsheet for LUN Expansion” (page 39)
“Performance Control” (page 40)
The following table provides information about specific Snapshot conditions that must be observed
when using Resource Partition.
Operation name
The ID of the new LDEV for Snapshot must be assigned to the Storage Administrator
group permitted to manage them.
Create LDEVs
The LDEV to be deleted must be assigned to the Storage Administrator group
permitted to manage them.
Delete LDEVs
Volumes that are specified when creating or expanding a pool must be assigned
to the Storage Administrator group permitted to manage them.
Create pools
Expand pools
All the volumes that are specified when creating a pool must belong to the same
resource group.
Pool-VOLs of the specified pool must be assigned to the Storage Administrator
group permitted to manage them.
Edit pools
Delete pools
You can complete only the SIM concerning the resources that are assigned to the
Storage Administrator group permitted to manage them.
Complete SIMs
Both P-VOLs and S-VOLs must be assigned to the Storage Administrator group
permitted to manage them.
Delete pairs
Using Resource Partition and other P9500 products