4 guidelines for creating a backup file, 5 create and download a backup file – HP OneView User Manual

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21.4 Guidelines for creating a backup file

HP recommends performing regular backups, preferably daily, and especially after adding
hardware or changing the appliance configuration.

If you added server hardware to the appliance after the backup file was created, that hardware
is not in the appliance database when the restore operation completes. You must add that
hardware to the appliance and then repeat any other configuration changes (such as assigning
server profiles) that were made between the time the backup file was created and the restore
operation completed.

Only the Infrastructure administrator or a Backup administrator can create a backup file.

Only the Infrastructure administrator can restore the appliance from a backup file.

HP recommends using an enterprise backup/restore product such as HP Data Protector to
archive backup files. For information on HP Data Protector, see the following website:

HP provides REST APIs for integration with enterprise backup/restore products.

Only one backup operation can run at a time.

You can back up the appliance while it is in use and while normal activity is taking place.

You do not need to wait for tasks to stop before creating a backup file.

Perform a backup operation before and after updating the appliance firmware.

After you create and download the backup file, HP recommends that you encrypt it and store
it in a safe place.

To prevent the backup file from being overwritten, you must download the file before performing
the next backup.

A backup is restored by uploading it to the appliance, and then requesting that the appliance
restore from the backup.

21.5 Create and download a backup file

A backup file saves the configuration settings and management data for your appliance. You can
recover from a catastrophic failure by restoring your appliance from the backup file.

HP recommends performing regular backups, preferably daily, and especially after adding hardware
or changing the appliance configuration.


To reduce the size of the backup file and the time it takes to create it, the firmware bundles

you have uploaded to the appliance are not included in the backup file. You must upload the
appropriate firmware bundles after restoring the appliance.

Only one backup operation can run at a time.

The backup operation backs up the following:

HP OneView Database

System files:

Non-database data

Audit log

License files

The backup operation does not back up the following:


Backing up an appliance