Requirements for clustering servers, Creating a server cluster – HP LeftHand P4000 SAN Solutions User Manual

Page 206

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When using a Fibre Channel connection to a Microsoft Cluster a situation can occur

where a node that owns the witness disk in the Microsoft Cluster fails over, but does not fail back.
In this case, Microsoft failover cluster quorum is never at risk. If any additional failures occur that
require failover/failback of the witness disk to maintain failover cluster quorum, that failover
happens properly.

See the Microsoft TechNet article



more information.

Requirements for clustering servers

Minimum of two servers for a cluster

Same access level settings for all volumes assigned to the server cluster

For iSCSI: same load balancing setting for all servers

For Fibre Channel: one volume assigned to multiple servers in a cluster should have the same
LUN ID for each server

Creating a server cluster


In the navigation window, select the Servers category.


Right-click and select New Server Cluster.


Enter a name and description (optional) for the server cluster.


Do one of the following:

Click Add Server and select the server from the list of available servers that opens.

Click New Server and follow the instructions in either

“Planning server connections to

management groups” (page 200)


“Planning Fibre Channel server connections to

management groups” (page 203)



Add the additional servers required for the server cluster, using either of the above methods.


Optional: Next, click Edit Server Cluster Settings to verify that the server cluster settings are
the same for all servers and volumes.


The Server cluster Settings window opens automatically if inconsistencies are detected

in the settings for the servers and volumes.


On the Server cluster Settings window, choose the proper settings for the server cluster.

Ensure that each volume listed has the same access permissions.


For iSCSI, select the appropriate radio button for the load balancing setting on each


For Fibre Channel, resolve any LUN conflicts that are displayed.

When the server cluster is created, you can view the results on the Servers Details tab and on Map
View tab shown in

Figure 96 (page 207)


206 Controlling server access to volumes