3 programming lists – B&K Precision MDL Series - Programming Manual User Manual

Page 92

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transient level setting (5 amps) is reached, it stays there for the remainder of the time determined by

the pulse width setting (10 ms). After this time has elapsed, the input level decreases to the main level

again at the rate specified by the slew setting and remains there until another trigger is received. Any

triggers that occur during the time the transient level is in effect will re-trigger the pulse, extending the

pulse by another pulse-width value.

Toggled Transients
Toggled transient operation causes the module input to alternate between two pre-defined levels as in

continuous operation except that the transient transitions are controlled by explicit triggers instead of

the internal transient generator. Use the following commands to program toggled transients:

TRIGger:SOURce EXTernal


CURRent:TRANsient:ALEVel 5

CURRent:TRANsition:BLEVel 10

TRANsient ON

This example assumes that CC mode is active, the slew rate is at the factory default setting (maximum

rate) and a trigger signal is connected to the mainframe's external trigger input. Toggled transient

operation is similar to that described for continuous and pulse operation, except that each time a

trigger is received the input alternates between the level A and level B current levels.

4.3 Programming Lists

List mode lets you generate complex sequences of input changes with rapid, precise timing, which may

be synchronized with internal or external signals. This is useful when running test sequences with a

minimum amount of programming overhead. You can program up to 84 steps in the list, the time

interval that each setting is maintained, the number of times that the list will be executed, and how the

settings change in response to triggers. All list data can be stored in nonvolatile memory using the

LIST:SAV command. This means that the programmed data for any list will be retained when the

electronic load is turned off. Use the LIST:RCL command to recall the saved state.

4-Step Current Change List Example

The following example procedure shows how to generate and save a simple 4-step list of current

changes. When programming, be sure to verify all parameters are within the module’s specifications.


Set the current range of the list.



Set the list cycle.

LIST:COUNt 10000


Specify the number of steps in the list.



Specify the current setting for step 1.

LIST:LEVel 1,5


Set the current slew rate for step 1.



Set the width for step 1.