B&K Precision MDL Series - Programming Manual User Manual
Page 72
you the flexibility to synchronize the data acquisition with a trigger. FETCh commands do
not trigger the acquisition of new measurement data, but they can be used to return many
different calculations from the data that was retrieved by the acquisition trigger.
Making triggered measurements with the acquisition trigger system is discussed in the User Manual.
NOTE: For each MEASure form of the query, there is a corresponding query that begins with the
header FETCh. FETCh queries perform the same calculation as their MEASure counterparts, but do not
cause new data to be acquired. Data acquired by an explicit trigger or a previously programmed
MEASure command are used.
Channel Specific
These query commands request the latest post-processed readings stored in the sample buffer. After
sending this command and addressing the electronic load to talk, the readings are sent to the
computer. This command does not affect the instrument setup. This command does not trigger source-
measure operations; it simply requests the last available readings. Note that this command can
repeatedly return the same readings. Until there are new readings, this command continues to return
the old readings.
For example, assume that the electronic load performed 20 measure operations. The :FETCh:VOLTage?
command will request the readings for those 20 measure operations. If :FETCh:VOLTage? is sent while
performing measure operations (ARM annunciator on), it will not be executed until the electronic load
goes back to the idle state.
Channel Specific
These commands combine other signal-oriented measurement commands to perform a “one-shot”
measurement and acquire the reading. Note that if a function is not specified, the measurement will
be done on the function that is presently selected.