Sense commands – B&K Precision MDL Series - Programming Manual User Manual

Page 73

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These commands combine the voltage or current measured at the input of all electronic load modules.

:FETch :ALLVoltage?


These commands combine the real-time voltage or current measured at the input of all electronic load


Sense Commands

The Sense subsystem is used to configure and control the measurement functions of the electronic

load. A function does not have to be selected before you program its various configurations. A function

can be selected any time after it has been programmed. Whenever a programmed function is selected,

it assumes the programmed states.


Channel Specific
The command is used to specify the filter count. In general, the filter count is the number of readings

that are acquired and stored in the filter buffer for the averaging calculation. The larger the filter

count, the more filtering that is performed.

Command Syntax SENSe:AVERage:COUNt

Parameters 2 to 16

*RST Value 8

Examples SENS:AVER:COUN 10

Query Syntax SENSe:AVERage:COUNt?

Returned Parameters

Related Commands SENS:AVER


Channel Specific