B&K Precision MDL Series - Programming Manual User Manual

Page 17

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Trigger model operation

Once the instrument is taken out of idle, operation proceeds through the trigger model down to the

device action.

Control Source — As shown in Figure 3, a control source is used to hold up operation until the

programmed event occurs. The control source options are explained as follows:

HOLD — Only the TRIG:IMM command will generate a trigger in HOLD mode. All other trigger

commands are ignored.

MANual — Event detection is satisfied by pressing the TRIG key.

TIMer — This generates triggers that are in synchronization with the electronic load's internal

oscillator as the trigger source. The internal oscillator begins running as soon as this command

is executed. Use TRIG:TIM to program the oscillator period.

EXTernal — Event detection is satisfied when an input trigger via the TRIGGER LINK connector is

received by the electronic load.

BUS — Event detection is satisfied when a bus trigger (GET or *TRG) is received by the

electronic load.

Delay — A programmable delay is available after the event detection. The delay can be manually set

from 0 to 999999.999 seconds.