B&K Precision MDL Series - Programming Manual User Manual
Page 47

Channel Specific
When this command is sent and the electronic load is addressed to talk, all the readings stored in the
buffer are sent to the computer.
Query Syntax TRACe:DATA?
Returned Parameters {
…etc} (if TRACe:FEED TWO is set)
Channel Specific
This command is used to select whether the data in buffer is filtered data.
Command Syntax TRACe:FILTer[:STATe]
Parameters 0 | 1 | ON | OFF
*RST Value OFF
Examples TRAC:FILT 1
Query Syntax TRACe:FILTer[:STATe]?
Returned Parameters
Channel Specific
This command is used to select the delay time for trigger in buffer.
Command Syntax TRACe:DELay
Parameters 0 to 3600s | MINimum | MAXimum | DEFault
Unit S (second)
*RST Value 0
Examples TRAC:DEL 1
Query Syntax TRACe:DELay? [MINimum | MAXimum | DEFault]
Returned Parameters
Channel Specific
This command is used to select the interval for timer.