B&K Precision MDL Series - Programming Manual User Manual
Page 78

Sets the program to stop on completion.
Query Syntax PROG:STOP:COND?
Returned Parameters COMPletion, FAILure
The command is used to specify the program chain parameter. This specifies the next program to run
automatic testing after the current program finishes. If set to 0, no further programs will be tested and
test will end.
Command Syntax PROGram:CHAin
Set to 0 if no programs will be tested after completion of
the current program.
Examples PROG:CHA 3
Configures program 3 to be run following after the current
program finishes.
Query Syntax PROG:CHA?
Returned Parameters
The command is used to save the configurations to a program location in memory.
Command Syntax PROGram:SAVe
Examples PROG:SAV 2
Saves the configurations to program 2 location.
The command is used to recall a specified program from memory.
Command Syntax PROGram:RCL
Examples PROG:RCL 2
Recall program 2 from memory.