B&K Precision MDL Series - Programming Manual User Manual

Page 60

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Channel Specific
This command specifies the transient pulse width of the input voltage.

Command Syntax [SOURce:]VOLTage:TRANsient:AWIDth


Parameters 1 to 65535 us

Unit S (second)

*RST Value 500uS


Query Syntax [SOURce:] VOLTage:TRANsient:AWIDth?


Returned Parameters

Related Commands VOLT


Channel Specific
This command sets the resistance of the electronic load when operating in constant resistance mode.

Command Syntax [SOURce:]RESistance[:LEVel][:IMMediate]

Parameters 0 to max. rated resistance

Unit Ω (ohms)

Examples RES 5 RES:LEV 3.5

Query Syntax [SOURce:]RESistance[:LEVel][:IMMediate]?

Returned Parameters

Related Commands RES:RANG

[SOURce:]RESistance: RANGe

Channel Specific
This command sets the resistance range of the electronic load module. This limits the value the

resistance can be set to.

When you program a range value, the electronic load automatically selects the range that corresponds

to the value that you program. If the value falls in a region where ranges overlap, the electronic load

selects the range with the highest resolution.

NOTE: When this command is executed, the IMMediate, TRANsient, TRIGgered, and SLEW resistance