B&K Precision MDL Series - Programming Manual User Manual

Page 52

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This command specifies the timer setting.

Command Syntax [SOURce:]INPut:TIMer

Parameters 1 to 60000s | MINimum | MAXimum | DEFault

Unit seconds

*RST Value 10

Examples INP:TIM:DEL 5

Query Syntax [SOURce:]INPut:TIMer:DELay? [ MINimum | MAXimum |

DEFault ]

Returned Parameters

Related Commands INP:TIM


Channel Specific
This command sets the current that the load will regulate when operating in constant current mode.

Command Syntax [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate]

Parameters 0 through max rated current

Unit A (amps)

*RST Value MINimum

Examples CURR 5 CURR:LEV 0.5

Query Syntax [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate]?

Returned Parameters

Related Commands CURR:RANG


Channel Specific
This command sets the current range of the electronic load module. There are two current ranges, high

range (model dependent) and low range (model dependent).

When you program a range value, the load automatically selects the range that corresponds to the

value that you program. If the value falls in a region where ranges overlap, the electronic load selects

the range with the highest resolution.

NOTE: When this command is executed, the IMMediate, TRANsient, TRIGgered, and SLEW current

settings are adjusted as follows.

If existing settings are within new range, no adjustment is made.

If existing settings are outside new range, the levels are set to the maximum value of the new
