Franklin Fueling Systems T5 Series Fuel Management System Programming Guide User Manual

Page 43

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TS-LS500 Auto Learn Line Leak Testing


A 0.2 gph and a 0.1 gph test line leak tests can be started

from the console. Some jurisdictions recommend that a

0.1 gph annual precision line leak test be run yearly.

The 0.2 gph test runs automatically on a daily basis.

The coarse 3 gph line test runs automatically after every

dispense. State and local regulations may require more

frequent tests and inspections. Make sure your site

personnel are aware of all of the issues and requirements

comply with these regulations.


It is the tank owner’s obligation to

comply with the procedures and the

reporting requirements of federal,

state and local regulations. You are

legally bound to follow these explicitly.

Where they conflict with this manual,

follow the regulations.

Line Leak Test Requirements

• Create adequate quiet time – Prevent and stop all

dispensing, on the line to be tested, before and

during a test (bag or tape poly over dispenser and

dispenser lever).

• GPH precision tests normally need 4 hours of quiet

time (where no dispensing occurs) before the test is

started. Usually the test takes 13 minutes to complete.

• 0.2 GPH monthly tests normally need 13 minutes to 4

hours of quiet time to finish.

When to Force Line Leak Tests

• To comply with Federal, State, and local Regulatory

Agency requirements.

• To comply with the policy and procedures of your site.
• When a leak detection sensor alarms – per policy

and procedures at your site.

Manually Forcing Line Leak Tests

Lines MUST be calibrated and enabled before forcing

leak tests.

1. To force a Line Leak test, press the

FMS button in


Application Window.

2. Touch the screen to highlight the desired test,

then press the

check-mark to begin the testing


Line Leak Test Results

Line Leak test results are either increase, passed, failed,

or indeterminate.

Reasons Why Line Leak Tests Fail

• The tank leaks.
• Temperature instability – temperature variations

of the product within the line is the most common

source of interference and failed leak tests / false

alarms (a failure to detect real leaks can also result).

Look at the hourly temperature data on the leak test

report and retest if the variation is more than a few

tenths of a degree.

• Large changes in product temperature from the start

to the end of the test.

• Water Level changes from the start to the end of the


• Product is being dispensed during a test.

Steps to Take When a Line Leak Test Fails

Leak tests do occasionally fail. A single failed leak test

should not be a cause for great concern – don’t panic.


Don’t excavate / repair a line because

of a single failed leak test. Reference

your site policy and procedures plan.

If a site fails a leak test, review the leak test report to

determine if there is an obvious source of interference with

the test. If such a source of interference is identified, retest

the tank as soon as possible. (Retest the tank to check the

first test result if no source of interference can be identified.

If necessary, run several tests.)
If repeated tests indicate a leak and no obvious source of

interference is found, then immediately have the tank

precision / pressure tested. If the precision test confirms

the presence of a leak then the tank owner must take

corrective action in accordance with federal, state and

local regulations.