A brief guide to global configurator’s tabs, Preliminar y – Extron Electronics MLC 226 IP Series Installation User Manual

Page 55

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MLC 226 IP Series • Software-based Confi guration and Control



The MLC can be set up to allow confi guration access to administrators only,

and to prevent other users from making changes to the controller’s settings,
events, and drivers. If an administrator password is set for the controller, non-
administrator end users can select inputs and adjust output volume but are
prevented from making any other changes using GlobalViewer Web pages.

• IP addresses, subnet mask, and e-mail addresses follow standard naming and

numbering protocol. The network administrator provides the IP addresses and
subnet mask to be used with this controller.

• The unit name is any name (e.g., Room107MLC226IP, Lab1234mlc226IP,

ConfRoomSystem, LectureHall8-cntrlr, etc.) that you want to use to label a
specifi c MLC controller unit. The default is a combination of the product
name and part of the hardware address. This can be changed to your choice of
alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-).

• Spaces are not permitted within a unit’s name.
• Underscores (_) are not permitted.
• Valid characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and - (hyphen).
• The name cannot start with a number or a hyphen, and it cannot end with a


• Maximum name length is 24 characters.

A brief guide to Global Confi gurator’s tabs

In the upper right side of the GC software window are several tabs that divide
the program into groups of functions you can view and confi gure. The left three,
IP Link Settings, Schedule, and Monitor, are displayed for all IP Link-enabled
products. Any tabs to the right of those three vary in quantity, type, and layout,
depending on the product being confi gured. See the illustration below for an
example of the tabs that may be available when you confi gure an MLC.

IP Link Settings shows all the IP-related settings, as well as the unit part number,

MAC address and fi rmware version. You can view the IP address of the
controller and the unit administrator and user passwords here. However, the
IP address, passwords, and other items (gateway address, domain name, mail
server; unit name; system time, and the like) must be set by selecting Change
Device Settings
from GC’s Tools drop-down menu.

Schedule is the tab where you select the days of the week and times for the MLC

to automatically turn the projector or other devices on and off, send e-mails, and
lock/unlock the front panel.

Monitor is the tab where you set up conditions/ports for the MLC to monitor. You

also use this part of the software to set up actions and confi gure appropriate
e-mails to send out in response to various conditions like projector disconnection
or excessive projector lamp hours.

Port Summary is an information-only tab. Click on it to display the following


• names of the MLC’s ports (Display; IR/RS-232 output ports A, B, and C; and

MLS) or the devices connected to them

• port signal type (IR or serial)
• serial communication mode (RS-232 or RS-422)
• any device driver associated with that port