Preliminar y, Index – Extron Electronics MLC 226 IP Series Installation User Manual

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MLC 226 IP Series • Index







accessories, part numbers for A-6

enabling and disabling in GlobalViewer 4-32

advanced confi guration

options in Global Confi gurator 4-12

ASCII to decimal conversion table 5-13
ASCII to hex conversion table 5-4
audio level, limiting on power-up

SIS command 5-34

audio settings, SIS commands for

limit audio level on power-on 5-34

auxiliary port.


MLS RS-232 (slave switcher) port


auxilliary switcher

See also

RS-232 protocol

auxilliary switcher

confi guring 4-16
enable slaving (SIS command) 5-39


button press/release emulation 5-36

associations with IRCM-DV+ 5-35
button control SIS commands 5-38
button press repeat commands 5-38
default SIS commands for input buttons 3-4
front panel button LED control 5-39
press/release emulation (SIS commands) 5-36
slave map (button associations for a slaved

switcher) 5-38

types, functions, and operation 3-2
virtual mapping for an IRCM-DV+ 5-35


cdc fi les 4-25
Confi guration

embedded Web page 4-22

confi guration

saving and uploading 4-18

confi guration ports

Confi g (host control) port 3-6

connector pin assignments 2-15

embedded Web page 4-26
GlobalViewer Web page 4-30

controlling the MLC 4-19
controlling two display devices 6-11
control modules

overview 3-6

copyright message

sent by the MLC 5-2

custom GUI service 4-34

customizing control Web pages 4-34
cut-out templates A-10

MLC 226 IP A-10



IP addresses 5-2
LAN port 2-14, 5-2

delay times, SIS commands for 5-34
device drivers


viewing in embedded Web page 4-27

digital I/O port

settings in Global Confi gurator 4-15

display (projector) power

advanced settings in Global Confi gurator 4-13
power connection status in GlobalViewer 4-34

display control 3-2



sending by pressing a button (special application) 6-14

eir fi le type A-9
electrical box, mounting to 2-17
electrical box or mud ring, mounting to 2-17
Email Alerts

embedded Web page 4-23

embedded Web pages

accessing 4-19
Confi guration 4-22
Control 4-26

IR drivers 4-27

Email Alerts 4-23
File Management 4-24
Firmware Upgrade 4-24
IR drivers 4-27
Statistics 4-21
Status 4-20

Statistics 4-21
System Status 4-20

updating fi rmware via B-4
User Mode 4-26

enhanced Web pages example 4-26

eml fi le type A-9
enable PIN 5-40

SIS command 5-40

encoder scaling 4-14
enhanced Web pages

example 4-26

error responses to SIS commands 5-3
event fi les 4-25

.evt fi les A-9
main event fi le (0.evt) 4-25

evt fi les A-9