File types: a key to extron-specifi c file names, Preliminar y – Extron Electronics MLC 226 IP Series Installation User Manual

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MLC 226 IP Series • Reference Material




refers to a wordy way of speaking. For the MLC and other IP-enabled

products, verbose mode is a communication mode in which the device
responds with more information than it usually would—more than
the device, itself, needs to send. Verbose mode is usually enabled for
troubleshooting and disabled for daily use. Verbose mode creates more
network traffi c than usual and can slow down performance.

File Types: a Key to Extron-specifi c File Names

You must have a basic understanding of the types of fi les used by this MLC
controller in order to decide what (if anything) to do with them.

___.cdc — These are compressed device confi guration fi les created and used by

Global Confi gurator.

C ___.cdc

fi les should NOT be deleted.

___. eir — These are driver fi les containing infrared commands. There is a separate

___.eir fi le for each device the MLC controls via infrared communication.
This is the type of fi le created during IR learning. Via Global Confi gurator,
these fi les can be imported and associated with one of the controller’s IR/
Serial ports.

___ .eml — E-mail template fi les have the .eml extension. These fi les are used to

generate e-mail messages such as those regarding projector disconnection
and excessive projector lamp hours. The fi rst line of the fi le is the subject.
The rest of the fi le contains the body of the e-mail. For the MLC 226 IP, these
fi les are numerically named (1 through 64). For example, 1.eml, 2.eml, 3.eml,...

___ .evt — These are event fi les, the most important fi les for the functioning of the

MLC. Almost everything the MLC does is coordinated by the scripts in the
main event fi le, 0.evt. The other event fi les perform device driver functions.
When the Windows-based confi guration program creates event fi les, it names
(numbers) the fi les according to port associations. For example, the main
event fi le, 0.evt, contains instructions for the MLC’s internal operations, while
5.evt is related to IR/Serial output port A.

C Event

fi les should NOT be deleted. They are necessary for the MLC’s

operation. Never delete the main event fi le (0.evt).

________ .s19 — This is an Extron-supplied fi rmware update fi le. When the

fi rmware is replaced, the MLC is also automatically reset to factory default
settings. This fi le is not displayed on the File Manager page. See appendix
B for details on fi rmware updates. Firmware can’t be updated by loading an
___.s19 fi le through the fi le manager.