Preliminar y – Extron Electronics MLC 226 IP Series Installation User Manual

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MLC 226 IP Series • Index



executive mode.


front panel security lockout

(executive mode)

how to use 3-7, 6-14

Extron Firmware Loader software B-5
Extron IP Link File Manager software B-7


fi le extension

.cdc 4-25
.s19 A-9
fi ltering by 4-24

File Management (embedded Web page) 4-24
fi le names

Extron-specifi c

.cdc 4-25
.eml A-9
.evt A-9
.s19 A-9
event fi les 4-25
main event fi le (0.evt) 4-25

fi le types

.cdc 4-25
.eir A-9
.eml A-9
.evt A-9
.s19 A-9
event fi les 4-25
main event fi le (0.evt) 4-25

fi rmware

.s19 fi le A-9
locating and downloading B-4
updating 4-18
updating the main fi rmware B-4
updating via embedded Web page 4-24, B-4
updating via Extron Firmware Loader software B-5
updating via IP Link File Manager software B-7

Firmware Loader software B-5
Firmware Upgrade (embedded Web page) 4-24
front panel

features and operation 3-2
front panel button LED control 5-39

front panel security lockout (executive mode)

explanation of executive mode 3-7, 6-14
scheduling 6-14
SIS commands for 5-10, 5-39
viewing, enabling, and scheduling in

GlobalViewer 4-32


GlobalViewer™ Web pages 4-29

Control 4-30
Info 4-33
Monitor 4-31
Schedule 4-32

grounding, Euro Channel 2-19
grounding-related problems 2-17

grounding the faceplate 2-17
ground loops 2-17

customization 4-34



baud setting 5-2



GlobalViewer Web page 4-33

input selection

default Extron SIS commands 3-4
input switching lockout duration 5-40

Intercom port

Intercom connectors 2-13

IP address

defaults 5-2

IP Intercom

IPI-MLC connections 2-13
IPI lockout SIS command 5-40

IP Link File Manager software B-7
IR-related settings, SIS commands for

disable IR reception 5-40

IR 402 remote control

overview 3-6


IRCM-DV+ activation (SIS commands) 5-35


overview 3-6

IR driver fi les

using IR learning to create customized drivers 4-12

IR drivers

embedded Web page 4-27

IR learning 4-12
IR reception

disable IR reception SIS command 5-40

IR signal sensors 3-5

IR control receiver 3-5
IR learning receiver 3-5


lamp hours 4-20
LAN port defaults 2-14, 5-2

front panel button LED control 5-39

limit audio level on display power-on 5-34


See also

front panel security lockout (executive


input switching lockout duration 5-40
IPI lockout SIS command 5-40