Rainbow Electronics DS2152 User Manual
Page 10
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and is used to clock data through the receive side
Receive Positive Data Output [RPOSO]. Updated on
the rising edge of RCLKO with the bipolar data out of the
line interface. This pin is normally tied to RPOSI.
Receive Negative Data Output [RNEGO]. Updated
on the rising edge of RCLKO with the bipolar data out of
the line interface. This pin is normally tied to RNEGI.
Receive Clock Output [RCLKO]. Buffered recovered
clock from the T1 line. This pin is normally tied to RCLKI.
Receive Positive Data Input [RPOSI]. Sampled on
the falling edge of RCLKI for data to be clocked through
the receive side framer. RPOSI and RNEGI can be tied
together for a NRZ interface. Can be internally con-
nected to RPOSO by tying the LIUC pin high.
Receive Negative Data Input [RNEGI]. Sampled on
the falling edge of RCLKI for data to be clocked through
the receive side framer. RPOSI and RNEGI can be tied
together for a NRZ interface. Can be internally con-
nected to RNEGO by tying the LIUC pin high.
Receive Clock Input [RCLKI]. Clock used to clock
data through the receive side framer. This pin is nor-
mally tied to RCLKO. Can be internally connected to
RCLKO by tying the LIUC pin high.
Interrupt [INT]. Flags host controller during conditions
and change of conditions defined in the Status Regis-
ters 1 and 2 and the FDL Status Register. Active low,
open drain output.
3–State Control [Test]. Set high to 3–state all output
and I/O pins (including the parallel control port). Set low
for normal operation. Useful in board level testing.
Bus Operation [MUX]. Set low to select non–multi-
plexed bus operation. Set high to select multiplexed bus
Data Bus [D0 to D7] or Address/Data Bus [AD0 to
AD7]. In non–multiplexed bus operation (MUX = 0),
serves as the data bus. In multiplexed bus operation
(MUX = 1), serves as a 8–bit multiplexed address / data
Address Bus [A0 to A6]. In non–multiplexed bus
operation (MUX = 0), serves as the address bus. In mul-
tiplexed bus operation (MUX = 1), these pins are not
used and should be tied low.
Bus Type Select [BTS]. Strap high to select Motorola
bus timing; strap low to select Intel bus timing. This pin
controls the function of the RD(DS), ALE(AS), and
WR(R/W) pins. If BTS = 1, then these pins assume the
function listed in parenthesis ().
Read Input [RD] (Data Strobe [DS]). RD and DS are
active low signals.
Chip Select [CS]. Must be low to read or write to the
device. CS is an active low signal.
A7 or Address Latch Enable [ALE] (Address Strobe
[AS]). In non–multiplexed bus operation (MUX = 0),
serves as the upper address bit. In multiplexed bus
operation (MUX = 1), serves to demultiplex the bus on a
positive–going edge.
Write Input [WR] (Read/Write [R/W]). WR is an active
low signal.
Master Clock Input [MCLK]. A 1.544 MHz (
50 ppm)
clock source with TTL levels is applied at this pin. This
clock is used internally for both clock/data recovery and
for jitter attenuation. A quartz crystal of 1.544 MHz may
be applied across MCLK and XTALD instead of the TTL
level clock source.
Quartz Crystal Driver [XTALD]. A quartz crystal of
1.544 MHz may be applied across MCLK and XTALD
instead of a TTL level clock source at MCLK. Leave
open circuited if a TTL clock source is applied at MCLK.
Eight Times Clock [8XCLK]. A 12.352 MHz clock that
is frequency locked to the 1.544 MHz clock provided
from the clock/data recovery block (if the jitter attenuator
is enabled on the receive side) or from the TCLKI pin (if
the jitter attenuator is enabled on the transmit side). Can
be internally disabled via the TEST2 register if not
Line Interface Connect [LIUC]. Tie low to separate the
line interface circuitry from the framer/formatter circuitry