Motorola DSP96002 User Manual

Page 797

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be executed to set or clear OMR bit 4 without affecting other OMR bits, which could be
changed safely three cycles later.


Change of OMR Bit 4 Relative to PLOCK/PUNLOCK

The instruction that sets OMR bit 4 should appear at least three instruction cycles prior to
a PLOCK or PUNLOCK instruction, otherwise an illegal instruction trap will be executed.


Fetches Following a PFLUSH Instruction

When the processor is in cache mode, the first two words following a PFLUSH instruction
are not cached. The first word of the two words will be cached at first, but then flushed.
The second of the two words will be fetched from external program memory but will not
be written into the internal program memory. The tag registers, valid-bits, and LRU stack
will not be updated by this last fetch.


Bootstrap in Cache Mode

The user may select a bootstrap mode by writing into the OMR, thereby mapping the boot-
strap ROM into addresses 0 to 64 of the program address space. A jump to address 0 will
begin the bootstrap program that is coded in the bootstrap ROM. But, if the processor is
in cache mode, the result could be unpredictable. From these 64 words, a word that is in
the cache will be fetched from the internal bootstrap ROM, but a word that is not contained
in the cache will be fetched from external program memory. Therefore, it is strongly rec-
ommended that the user switch the processor into PRAM mode and flush the cache be-
fore mapping the bootstrap ROM into the program address space.


Change of Port Select Register (PSR) in Cache Mode

A change in the PSR while the processor is in cache mode could change the program
memory mapping from one port to another, causing an inconsistency problem since the
cache data brought from one port could differ from the external memory content at the
same addresses in the other port.


JCC Instructions in Cache Mode

When the processor performs JCC (Jump Conditionally) instructions, it fetches both the
next code word and the memory location to which the effective address (“target”) points
before the condition is resolved. Therefore, both the “next” and “target” code words may
cause a miss, or even a sector miss, thereby replacing the current LRU sector with a new
sector that is not necessarily needed.