Motorola DSP96002 User Manual

Page 633

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move #3,n0 ;new offset

move n0,n4 ;copy

move (r4)+ ;point to second butterfly

do #n/8,_laststage ;do last stage, 4 bflys at a time

move x:(r0)+,d0.s y:,d4.s ;upper x,y #1

move x:(r0)-,d1.s y:,d5.s ;lower x,1 #1

faddsub.s d0,d1 x:(r4)+,d2.s y:,d6.s ;upper x,y #2

faddsub.s d4,d5 x:(r4)-,d3.s y:,d7.s ;lower x,y #2

faddsub.s d2,d3 d1.s,x:(r0)+ d5.s,y: ;save upper x,y #1

faddsub.s d6,d7 d0.s,x:(r0)+n0 d4.s,y: ;save lower x,y #1

move d3.s,x:(r4)+ d7.s,y: ;save upper x,y #2

move d2.s,x:(r4)+n4 d6.s,y: ;save lower x,y #2



If it is desired to have the results in a single memory, then the last pass of the above algorithm can be mod-

ified to merge the data from X memory and Y memory back into X memory as the butterflies are performed.

Each butterfly is read from a separate memory space but the outputs are written to a single memory space.

This executes in 3 cycles per butterfly on the final stage. Note that the last stage performs 4 butterflies per

loop and the loop takes 12 cycles for an average of 3 cycles per butterfly on the final stage.

move #data+n/2,r5 ;pointer to move back to X

move #3,n0 ;new offset

move n0,n4 ;copy

move (r4)+ ;point to second butterfly

do #n/8,_laststage ;do last stage, 4 bflys at a time

move x:(r0)+,d0.s y:,d4.s ;upper x,y #1

move x:(r0)-,d1.s y:,d5.s ;lower x,1 #1

faddsub.s d0,d1 x:(r4)+,d2.s y:,d6.s ;upper x,y #2

faddsub.s d4,d5 x:(r4)-,d3.s y:,d7.s ;lower x,y #2

faddsub.s d2,d3 d1.s,x:(r0)+ ;save upper x #1

move d5.s,x:(r5)+ ;move upper #1 back to X

faddsub.s d6,d7 d0.s,x:(r0)+n0 ;save lower x #1

move d4.s,x:(r5)+ ;move lower #1 back

move d3.s,x:(r4)+ ;save upper x,y #2

move d7.s,x:(r5)+ ;move upper #2 back

move d2.s,x:(r4)+n4 ;save lower x,y #2

move d6.s,x:(r5)+ ;move lower #2 back
