Motorola DSP96002 User Manual

Page 196

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Note 1

Z - Cleared if the result is not zero. Unchanged otherwise.

Note 2

All ? Bits - Cleared if corresponding bit in immediate data is cleared and the operand is CCR.
Not affected otherwise.

Note 3

C - Set if the last bit shifted out of the operand is set. Cleared otherwise. Cleared for a shift
count of zero.

Note 4

V - Set if the MSB is changed any time during the shift operation. Cleared otherwise.

Note 5

C - Set if bit #n of the source operand is set. Cleared otherwise.

Note 6

C - For increment addressing modes: Set if carry occurred out of the MSB during address cal-
culation with linear modifier or carry occurred out of the LSB during address calculation with
reverse carry modifier. Cleared otherwise.

For decrement addressing modes: Set if borrow occurred out of the MSB during address cal-
culation with linear modifier or borrow occurred out of the LSB during address calculation with
reverse carry modifier. Cleared otherwise.

Note 7

V - Set if overflow occurred out of the MSB during the address calculation with a linear modifier.
Set if overflow occurred out of the least significant bit (LSB) during the address calculation with
a reverse carry modifier. Set if wraparound occurred during the address calculation with a mod-
ulo modifier. Set if at least one wrap-around occurred during address calculation with a multiple
wrap-around modulo modifier. Cleared otherwise.

Note 8

Z - Set if the result of the address calculation is zero. Cleared otherwise.

Note 9

I - Set if the result of the addition is infinity. Cleared otherwise.

Note 10

N - Set if the result of the addition is negative. Cleared otherwise.

Note 11

Z - Set if the result of the addition is zero. Cleared otherwise.

Note 12

I - Set if the result of the subtraction is infinity. Cleared otherwise.

Note 13

N - Set if the result of the subtraction is negative. Cleared otherwise.

Note 14

Z - Set if the result of the subtraction is zero. Cleared otherwise.

Note 15

Z - Set if the source operand is zero. Cleared otherwise.

Note 16

I - Set if the source operand is infinity. Cleared otherwise.

Note 17

V - Set if source operand is a NaN, infinity, or its magnitude is too big to be representable in the
integer number range. Cleared otherwise.

Note 18

V - Cleared if the most significant 32 bits of the 64-bit result are the sign extension of the least
significant 32 bits. Set otherwise.

Note 19

All ? Bits - Set if corresponding bit in immediate data is set and the operand is CCR. Not affected

Note 20

All ? Bits - Set according to the value pulled from the stack.

Note 21

All ? Bits - Affected by the accompanying Data ALU operation if the specified condition is true.
Not affected otherwise.

Note 22

N - Set if the MSB of the result of the address calculation with linear modifier is set. Set if the
LSB of the result of the address calculation with reverse carry modifier is set. Set if the MSB of
the result of the address calculation with modulo modifier is set. Cleared otherwise.

Note 23

C - Set if result is negative without overflow. Set if result is positive with overflow. Cleared oth-

Note 24

N - Set if the source operand is negative. Cleared otherwise.

Note 25

V - Cleared if the most significant 32 bits of the 64-bit result are zero. Set otherwise.

Note 26

C - Set if the last bit shifted out of the operand is set. Cleared otherwise.

Note 27

I - Set if any one of the source operands is infinity. Cleared otherwise.