Motorola DSP96002 User Manual

Page 134

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the DMA transfer. If an input is unmasked, asserting that input will set the latch and initiate a DMA transfer.

The DMA state machine clears the latch when accessing the DMA source address. If more than one re-

questing device input is enabled, the first edge on any input is latched and triggers a DMA transfer, and any

other edge that appears before the latch is cleared will be ignored.

DCS DMA Channel Priority (DCP) Bit 23

The DMA Channel Priority (DCP) bit contains the priority level of the DMA channel relative to the other DMA

channel. When DMA transfers are pending, the DMA Channel Priority of both channels are compared to

decide which channel will be activated. This decision must be made since both channels use common re-

sources such as the DMA ALU, and the address buses. DCP is cleared by Hardware and Software Reset.

If both channels have the same priority then the channels will be active in a round-robin fashion: Channel 0

will be activated to transfer a single data word, followed by Channel 1.

If the channel priorities are different, the channel with highest priority will start executing DMA transfers and

will remain doing so as long as there are DMA transfers pending. In the event that the lower priority channel

is executing DMA transfers when the higher priority channel receives a transfer request, the lower priority

channel will finish the transfer of the current data word and arbitration will again occur.

DCS DMA Priority (DMAP) Bit 24

This bit permits setting the DMA priority relative to the core when an external bus access is required. The

priority determines, in case of contention between the core and the DMA Controller, whether the DMA will

wait or not. If DMAP is cleared, then the DMA will wait until a free slot is available on the external bus. If

DMAP is set, the core cycle will be stretched and both core and DMA will access during the same cycle.

DMAP is cleared by Hardware and Software Reset.

DMA Request
Mask BitRequesting Device

M0 External (




A pin)

M1 External (




B pin)

M2 External (




C pin)

M3 Port A Host Receive Data (HRDF=1)

M4 Port A Host Transmit Data (HTXE=1)

M5 Port B Host Receive Data (HRDF=1)

M6 Port B Host Transmit Data (HTXE=1)


DMA Channel Priority

0 Priority 0

1 Priority 1


External Access Priority

0 Core

1 Equal