Motorola DSP96002 User Manual

Page 676

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jmp _add ;


; Set Sticky Bit for Shift > 55 Bits


_setst0 move #0,d3.l ; get number for addition

move #inum,d1.l ; "

jmp _add ;


; *** Case: Exp1 > Exp0 ***



; Align Mantissas


_pos sub d4,d5 d1.h,d6.l ; get shift, get expr

move #55,d7.l ; get number of bits

cmp d7,d5 ; check for shift > 55

jgt _setst1 ; jump if shift > 55

do d5.l,_end2 ; align mantissas

lsr d2 ; shift right m0.h

ror d0 ; shift right m0.l and GRS0

jclr #8,d0.l,_cclr2 ; jump if sticky bit clear

move #1,d2.m ; set sticky bit

_cclr2 nop ;


; Calculate Sticky Bit


_end2 move #grmsk,d7.l ; get GR mask

and d7,d0 ; remove bits right of round bit

jclr #0,d2.m,_add ; jump if sticky = 0

bset #8,d1.l ; put in sticky bit

jmp _add ;


; Set Sticky Bit for Shift > 55 Bits


_setst1 move #0,d2.l ; get number for addition

move #inum,d0.l ; "


; Check the Signs of the Addends


_add jset #31,d0.h,_neg1 ; jump if a0 negative

jset #31,d1.h,_neg2 ; jump if a1 negative

jmp _fadd ; jump to addition for a0+,a1+


; *** Case: Addend 0 is Negative,

; Addend 1 is Positive ***


_neg1 jset #31,d1.h,_nset ; jump if a1 negative

sub d0,d1 ; subtract for case: a0-,a1+

subc d2,d3 ; "

jcc _zchk ; jump if result is positive

bset #31,d6.l ; set result as negative

move #inum,d7.l ; get increment number

not d1 ; get 2’s comp of result

not d3 ; "