HP 2910AL User Manual

Page 561

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Viewing Switch Configuration and Operation

Syntax: copy <source> show- tech

tftp config < startup-config | running-config > < ip-addr > < remote-file >
< pc | unix >

Downloads the contents of a configuration file from a
remote host to

show tech command output, where:

ip-addr: Specifies the IP address of the remote host device.
remote-file: Specifies the pathname on the remote host for
the configuration file whose contents you want to include
in the command output.
pc | unix: Specifies whether the remote host is a DOS-based
PC or UNIX workstation.

For more information on using

copy tftp commands, refer

to the “File Transfers” appendix.


Syntax: copy <source> show- tech

usb config < startup-config < filename > | command-file < acl­
txt >

Copies the contents of a configuration file or ACL
command file from a USB flash drive to

show tech

command output, where:
startup-config <filename >: Specifies the name of a startup
configuration file on the USB drive.
command-file <acl-filename.txt >: Specifies the name of an
ACL command file on the USB drive.

For more information on using

copy usb commands, refer

to the “File Transfers” appendix.

xmodem config < startup-config | config < filename > | command-file
< acl-filename.txt > < pc | unix >
