HP 2910AL User Manual
Page 153
Interface Access and System Information
Interface Access: Console/Serial Link, Web, and Inbound Telnet
ProCurve(config)# show telnet
Telnet Activity
Session : ** 1
Privilege: Manager
From : Console
Session : ** 2
Privilege: Manager
From :
Session : ** 3
Privilege: Operator
From : 2001:db7:5:0:203:4ff:fe0a:251
: 2001:db7:5:0:203:4ff1:fddd:12
Figure 7-3. Example of show telnet Command Displaying Resolved IP Addresses
Reconfigure Web Browser Access.
In the default configuration, web
browser access is enabled.
Syntax: [no] web-management
To disable web browser access:
ProCurve(config)# no web-management
To re-enable web browser access:
ProCurve(config)# web-management
Reconfigure the Console/Serial Link Settings.
You can reconfigure one
or more console parameters with one console command.
Syntax: console
[terminal < vt100 | ansi | none >]
[screen-refresh < 1 | 3 | 5 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 45 | 60 >]
< speed-sense | 1200 | 2400 | 4800 | 9600 | 19200 |38400 | 57600 |
1155200 >]
[ flow-control < xon/xoff | none >]