ProSoft Technology MVI71-DFNT User Manual

Page 162

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User Manual

EtherNet/IP Client/Server Communication Module

Page 162 of 175

ProSoft Technology, Inc.

February 3, 2011

You now have an Ethernet connection to a PLC 5 processor.

Step 5 - (Optional) Configure the Port 3 Pass-Through
After you configure the MVI71-DFNT pass-through server, you may configure

Port 3 to receive DF1 commands in order to allow access from a DF1 Master to

the PLC data file.
In order to accomplish this, refer to the DF1-Pass-Through Port Section at the

MVI71-DFNT configuration file.

[DF1 Pass-Through Port]

Enabled: Y #Y=Use port, N=Do not use port

Local Station ID: 1 #DF1 node address

Protocol: Full #F=Full-Duplex, H=Half-Duplex

Termination Type: CRC #B=BCC, C=CRC

Baud Rate: 19200 #Baud rate for port 110-115200

Parity: None #N=None,O=Odd,E=Even,M=Mark,S=Space

Data Bits: 8 #5, 6, 7 or 8

Stop Bits: 1 #1 or 2

RTS On: 0 #0-65536 mSec before message

RTS Off: 0 #0-65536 mSec after message

Use CTS Line: No #Use CTS modem control line (Y/N)

Retry Count: 3 #Response failure retry count

Request Timeout: 1000 #Request message timeout (0-65535 milliseconds)

Busy Timeout: 500 #Port Busy timeout (0-65535 milliseconds)

ACK Timeout: 100 #DLE-ACK timeout (0-65535 milliseconds)

Note: The Port 3 pass-through feature will only work properly if the user is not accessing the PLC

program using the pass-through server.