ProSoft Technology MVI71-DFNT User Manual
Page 160

User Manual
EtherNet/IP Client/Server Communication Module
Page 160 of 175
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
February 3, 2011
Perform the following steps to set up your network.
Step 1- Configure the Pass-Through Server
The MVI71-DFNT Pass-Through Server connects a local computer serial port to
the module's Ethernet driver. Refer to the configuration file to configure the
following section:
[DF1 Pass-Through Server Port 1]
Enabled: Yes #Y=Use server, N=Do not use server
Service Port Number: 15000 #TCP service port for this server
Busy Timeout: 500 #Time to wait for not Busy (100-65535 milliseconds)
Baud Rate: 19200 #Baud rate for port 110-115200
Parity: None #N=None,O=Odd,E=Even,M=Mark,S=Space
Data Bits: 8 #5, 6, 7 or 8
Stop Bits: 1 #1 or 2
Select Y (or Yes) for the Enabled parameter and then configure each
communication parameter.
Step 2- Configure the Serial/IP Converter Software
Conversion software is required in order to convert serial data to TCP/IP format.
The software will select a serial port that is not being used and direct to it to an IP
address and port number (MVI71-DFNT Pass-Through Server). It is essential to
select the MVI71-DFNT IP address and the port number configured on the
previous step.
The serial communication parameters should also match the parameters
configured in the previous step.
Step 3- Configure a RS-232 driver at RS-LINX
Open the RS-LINX software and create a new RS-232 driver: