Meter: 03b dc volts-ags menu, Meter: 03c gen run time menu, Meter: 03d ags temp menu – Magnum Energy AGS Network (ME-AGS-N) User Manual

Page 61: Meter: 03e since gen run (days) menu, 0 using the me-arc remote

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© 2012 Magnum Energy, Inc.

9.0 Using the ME-ARC Remote

METER: 03B DC Volts-AGS Menu
This read-only menu displays the DC voltage measured at Terminals #3 and

#4 of the AGS module. This menu is useful in setting up the voltage start for

the AGS, and for troubleshooting its operation.

METER: 03E Since Gen Run (Days) Menu
This read-only menu displays the number of days since the generator has

last run. This is useful in determining if the start and stop settings are set

up correctly. This timer begins once the CTRL: 03 Gen Control menu is set

to AUTO, and then counts by 1 for every 24-hour period the generator does

not start. The Days Since Run timer resets any time the generator starts,

which could be either by autostarting the generator (including from a previ-

ous exercise run), or manually starting the generator.

Info: When the DIP switch inside the AGS is set to “2-Wire Standby

Mode”, if you do not use the ME-ARC to manually turn the generator

on, the Days Since Run timer will not be reset to zero.

Info: The Gen Run Time menu’s timer is started when the gen run

sense voltage/signal is correct and qualifi ed at the AGS module. It is

not considered qualifi ed until after a full start attempt and the Gen

Warm-up Time setting is satisfi ed. Cooldown and warm-up times are

not included in the gen run time display. Total generator run time =

Gen Run Time + Gen Warm-up Time + Gen Cooldown.

Info: The times in this display are shown in tenths of an hour (0.0

hrs., 0.1 hrs., etc.,) – thus, 0.1 hrs. = 6 minutes.

Info: The Gen Run Time display resets to 0.0 each time the genera-

tor is autostopped. This meter is not designed to replace the hour

meter for total hours the generator has run.
Info: This display is used by the SETUP: 04F Max Gen Run Time

menu to determine the generator’s maximum run time when start-

ed automatically.

METER: 03D AGS Temp Menu
This read-only menu displays the temperature of the AGS remote temp sen-

sor (included with AGS, but use optional), and is helpful in determining its

proper placement and operation. This temperature value can be displayed

in either Fahrenheit or Celsius depending on the SETUP: 01E Temp Display

setting. Use this menu to change the temperature format, if required.

METER: 03C Gen Run Time Menu
This read-only menu displays the length of time the generator has been run-

ning since it was autostarted by the AGS. This helps determine how long the

generator has been running in Auto mode if you were not present when it

started. This menu is enabled when CTRL: 03 Gen Control is set to AUTO, but

does not display run time when the generator has been manually started.

Cooldown and warm-up times are not included in the gen run time display.

Info: The DC voltage reading in this menu may vary from the DC

voltage readings in the METER button’s 01A DC Volts and 04C DC

Volts-BMK menu items. When troubleshooting, read the appropriate

related meter for each device. When troubleshooting the AGS, use

the 03B DC Volts-AGS menu for verifi cation and testing purposes.