0 me-ags-n module troubleshooting – Magnum Energy AGS Network (ME-AGS-N) User Manual
Page 31

© 2012 Magnum Energy, Inc.
6.0 ME-AGS-N Module Troubleshooting
1. Ensure the remote control is in a charge state (i.e., Charging, Bulk
Charge, Absorb Charge, etc.). If not, then:
a) Ensure the generator’s AC output is connected to the Magnum
inverter’s AC input. Check the wiring and the AC breaker to the
inverter’s AC input.
b) Ensure the AC input breaker on the inverter has not popped out/
opened up.
2. Ensure the network communication cable (Section 2.4.2) and the
remote cable are the correct type (refer to remote’s operating man-
• Gen Type is not 2-Wire Standby Mode – Except for 2-Wire Standby
mode, all other Gen Types use DC voltage as the gen run sense signal to
the AGS. While the generator is running, use a DC voltmeter to confi rm
there is 10 to 40 volts DC between Terminals #2 (+) and #4 (-) on the
AGS’s green 8-port terminal.
Note: The following tests can be performed without either a remote
control connected to the inverter or the network communication cable
connected from the inverter to the AGS’s green NETWORK port.
A. Use a DC voltmeter to ensure you have a 10 to 40 volts DC reading
between Terminals #2 and #4 while the generator is running. Shut the
generator down, and then recheck voltage to confi rm it has gone away
with the generator being off.
1. If the voltage is correct and goes away when the gen is off, then
the gen run sense signal is correct. Proceed to the remote control
section to set up and enable the AGS to autostart your generator.
2. If the voltage is still present with the generator off, then it is not
a correct gen run sense signal. Determine where it is coming from
and remove or correct it using the gen run sense signal (voltage)
options found in Figure 2-10.
B. If the DC voltage is incorrect or missing between Terminals #2 & #4:
1. Check the fuse and wiring to Terminal #2. The wire on Terminal #2
may be loose, you may have a blown fuse, or the other end of the
wire may not be connected to a proper run signal like the Gen Hour
Meter or one of our alternate gen run sense signal (voltage) options
found in Figure 2-10.
2. Ensure the negative terminal of the monitored battery bank* is in
common/connected with the negative side of the generator battery.
This ensures that the positive battery voltage (to Terminal #3) and
the positive gen run sense voltage from the generator (to Terminal
#2) have a common negative reference (to Terminal #4), and are
correctly sensed/measured by the AGS.
* Monitored Battery Bank – When autostarting the generator based on battery
voltage (i.e., start VDC), the inverter’s battery bank must be connected to
Terminals #3 (positive) and #4 (negative). If autostarting based on any other
condition (i.e., temperature, amps, etc.), either the inverter battery bank or
the generator’s battery may be used to power the AGS module. However, if
different battery banks (inverter and generator) are used, the negative ter-
minal of each battery bank must be connected together to prevent damage
to the AGS (see Section 2.4.4).