Grass Valley Aurora Browse v.7.0 Installation User Manual

Page 95

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April 6, 2010

Aurora Browse Installation and Configuration Guide


Configure K2 Summit MDI

4. Enter the K2 Summit MDI. Use the


button to choose the MDI.

5. Increment 9160-9169 so each K2 Summit MDI has a unique process port. For each

FSM, there should be one K2 Summit MDI.

6. The default value on the Asset System Dwell Time is 120 seconds.

7. Enter a stand-alone K2 Summit Production Client or the K2 Summit Production

Client on the K2 Summit storage system that the MDI will use to manage the
Summit SAN. For a K2 SAN add all of the other client host names to the "Other
Clients on the SAN". If Aurora Edit is setup to send directly to the K2 Summit
server, add the K2 Summit server name to this list.

8. Enter the number of maximum concurrent transfers. The maximum number of

concurrent transfers allowed depends on your system’s configuration. For
assistance determining the maximum number of allowed transfers, contact your
Grass Valley representative.

9. Enter the username, domain (if necessary), and password. The username and

password need to have permissions to access the K2 AppCenter application on the
K2 client.



as a managed device.

The following settings enable transfers. You should add all available transfer targets,
as specified in

“Configuring transfer targets” on page 87


11.Under Transfer Servers, click



12.Use the drop-down list to specify the MDI name.

13.Enter the Transfer Server for the MDI selected above. This should be configured

to use the FTP network name.



15.Leave the Password and Public Address fields blank.

16.To put changes into effect, click

