Configure rules automation: encoder – Grass Valley Aurora Browse v.7.0 Installation User Manual
Page 116
Aurora Browse Installation and Configuration Guide
April 6, 2010
Chapter 5 Configuring the system
Configure Rules Automation: Encoder
The Rules tab of the MediaFrame Config tool defines the rules for an encoder creating
To scavenge newly edited material in an “Outbox” folder on a K2 Storage System, for
MDI Name, select the K2 MDI and location as in
“Configure Aurora Proxy Encoder”
on page 110
NOTE: It is especially important that the Rules Wizard is not running during
configuration stage tests that create media files. When a test media file is created,
the Rules Wizard can trigger the creation of various types of proxy media. This
causes problems because the partially configured system is unable to handle the
proxy correctly. Configure the rules after you have all the MDIs configured with
their correct names.
Before configuring rules, make sure to apply all previous configuration changes. To
configure a rule defining the creation of proxy assets, do the following:
1. Click
. The Add Rule dialog box displays.