Nearline system, Aurora browse client, K2 basecamp express – Grass Valley Aurora Browse v.7.0 Installation User Manual
Page 17
April 6, 2010
Aurora Browse Installation and Configuration Guide
Nearline system
Nearline system
The nearline is a large pool of storage that high-resolution media can be stored. This
is considered an “offline” system, which means it stores files only with no ability to
record or play those files directly on the system. The files would have to be transferred
to an online device to be played.
The nearline system is managed by the Generic FTP MDI. The K2 Nearline Condor
NAS is the recommended nearline of choice. For information on how to install and
configure the NAS for your K2 system, see the K2 Storage System Instruction Manual
and the K2 Lx0 RAID Storage Instruction Manual.
For information on how to configure the MDI for the K2 nearline, see
Generic FTP MDI” on page 90
. Other third-party storage systems can work if they
have an FTP server capable of accessing the storage like Filezilla Server. For
information on how to configure Filezilla Server for the MediaFrame system, see
Appendix D, Installing and configuring the FileZilla Server on page 199
. Features
and limitations may vary base on what system is used.
Aurora Browse client
The Aurora Browse client software is installed from your MediaFrame or K2
BaseCamp Express server. Depending on the roles assigned, users can use it to search
for, transfer, or modify logical or physical assets on the MediaFrame server or various
For information on installing or configuring the Aurora Browse client, see
Aurora Browse Clients” on page 132
. For information on operating the Aurora
Browse client, see the Aurora Browse User Guide.
K2 BaseCamp Express
K2 BaseCamp Express is a scaled-down version of the MediaFrame system. This is a
complete turnkey solution including a MediaFrame server, MDI services, low-res
encoder, and low-res storage all running on one K2 BaseCamp Express Server. This
solution allows on-demand proxy generation of all SD and KD K2 server assets.
The K2 BaseCamp Express system can run in two environments: a basic K2 system
and a full high-resolution Aurora editing environment.
For more information, see
Appendix B, K2 BaseCamp Express on page 175
Design considerations - Aurora Browse with
Aurora Edit
Take the following into consideration when establishing the workflow for your use of
Aurora Browse:
Separation of Browse Proxy and Browse metadata — In Aurora Browse, there is
a clear separation of proxy and metadata. For example, someone using Aurora Edit
could have a hi-res asset within the MediaFrame database without tying up encoders
for the proxy. This would allow them to search, add metadata, perform other tasks.