Nettime system, Prepare nettime – Grass Valley Aurora Browse v.7.0 Installation User Manual
Page 187
April 6, 2010
Aurora Browse Installation and Configuration Guide
NetTime system
NetTime system
The following diagram illustrates the NetTime system. This system is required for the
Profile XP/Open SAN environment.
For the K2 storage environment there is not an exacting requirement for clock
synchronization, but you can use NetTime to keep logging entry times in sync on
Production Network machines. Client machines do not need NetTime.
Prepare NetTime
This section provides instructions for NetTime on the Profile XP/Open SAN system.
On the K2 storage Browse system, the requirement for clock synchronization is only
to keep log entries matching on production network machines. On the K2 storage
Browse system, you do not need to install NetTime on Aurora Browse clients.
NetTime keeps the system clocks on Aurora Browse machines in sync. Since the
Profile Media Servers and single-channel encoders use the house timecode feeds, the
other machines need to be kept in sync as well. On systems that control ingest and
have single-channel encoders, the primary purpose of NetTime is to keep the Ingest
Scheduler, which runs on the MediaFrame server, and the Aurora Browse client
machines synchronized to house time. On systems that do not control ingest, NetTime
is still useful to keep clocks synchronized so that system logs can be correlated.
The following procedure uses a single-channel encoder as the Adrienne Absolute
Time Server. If your system does not control ingest and has no single-channel
encoders, you can use any machine as the Adrienne Absolute Time Server.
The single-channel encoder runs the Adrienne Absolute Time Server. NetTime clients
on the production network reference the Adrienne Absolute Time Server. A NetTime
server runs on the MediaFrame server, which rebroadcasts the time to the client
network. NetTime clients on the client network reference the NetTime server.
Set up NetTime with the following procedures:
NetTime rebroadcast server
Adrienne server
NetTime client
NewsBrowse Server
Production Network
Client Network
MDI Server
Network Attached